PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 444 - 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023) - Gamma-ray Astronomy (GA)
Simulation of the instrument performance of the Antarctic Demonstrator for the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope in the presence of the MeV background
W. Chen*, J.H. Buckley, C. Altomare, M. Andrew, B. Bal, R.G. Bose, D.L. Braun, J. Buhler, E. Burns, R.D. Chamberlain, M.L. Cherry, L. Di Venere, J. Dumonthier, M. Errando, S. Funk, P. Ghosh, F. Giordano, J. Hoffman, Y. Htet, Z. Hughes, A. Jung, P.L. Kelly, J.F. Krizmanic, M. Kuwahara, F. Licciulli, G. Liu, L. Lorusso, M.N. Mazziotta, J.G. Mitchell, J.W. Mitchell, G.A. de Nolfo, G. Panzarini, R. Peschke, R. Paoletti, R. Pillera, B.F. Rauch, D. Serini, G.E. Simburger, M. Sudvarg, G. Suarez, T. Tatoli, G.S. Varner, E.A. Wulf, A. Zink and W.V. Zoberet al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: July 25, 2023
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The Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope (APT) is a mission concept of a next-generation space-based gamma-ray and cosmic-ray observatory. We present the simulation of the instrument performance of the Antarctic Demonstrator for APT (ADAPT), a proposed long-duration balloon instrument based on a small portion of the full APT detector. We construct a semianalytical model of the MeV-GeV background for ADAPT based on observations from previous high-altitude balloon experiments and simulations of the upper atmosphere. We find that the ADAPT background is dominated by the gamma-ray albedo of the earth's atmosphere. In the presence of this background, we simulate a detector design based on a 45 cm $\times$ 45 cm detector composed of 8 thin layers of CsI:Na scintillators. We develop and optimize reconstruction algorithms for gamma-rays from a few hundreds of keV up to a few GeV energies. We present results of a complete off-line analysis to derive the best reconstruction methods. At photon energies from 30 MeV to a few GeV, ADAPT could provide degree-level to sub-degree-level observations of galactic and extragalactic gamma-rays with an effective area of above 0.05 $\mathrm{m}^2$. In the MeV regime, our simulation shows that ADAPT can achieve a degree-level localization accuracy for gamma-ray bursts down to about 1 MeV/$\mathrm{cm}^2$ in the presence of the gamma-ray and cosmic-ray background. ADAPT would be able to detect a few GRBs during the planned Antarctic balloon flight.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.444.0841
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