@inproceedings{Pattanaik:2023M0, author = "Pattanaik, Diptiranjan and Ahmed, S and Chakraborty, M and Dugad, S K and Goswami, U D and Gupta, S K and Hariharan, B and Hayashi, Y and Jagadeesan, P and Jain, A and Jain, P and Kawakami, S and Kojima, H and Mahapatra, S and Mohanty, P K and Moharana, R and Muraki, Y and K Nayak, P and Nonaka, T and Oshima, A and Pant, B P and Rameez, M and Ramesh, K and Reddy, L V and Shibata, S and Varsi, F and Zuberi, M", title = "{Search for point sources of gamma-rays above 50 TeV with the GRAPES-3 experiment.}", doi = "10.22323/1.444.0922", booktitle = "Proceedings of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference {\textemdash} PoS(ICRC2023)", year = 2023, volume = "444", pages = "922" }