PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 448 - The 32nd International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2023) - Operational experience on current detectors
Operation and performance of the NA62 Gigatracker
E. Cortina Gil, A. Kleimenova*, E. Minucci, M. Perrin-Terrin, B. Velghe, S. Chiozzi, A. Cotta Ramusino, M. Fiorini, A. Gianoli, R. Malaguti, F. Petrucci, H. Wahl, R. Arcidiacono, C. Biino, F. Marchetto, E. Migliore, G. Aglieri Rinella, D. Alvarez Feito, S. Bonacini, A. Ceccucci, J. Degrange, L. Federici, E. Gamberini, J. Kaplon, A. Kluge, A. Mapelli, M. Morel, J. Noël, M. Noy, L. Perktold, P. Petagna, K. Poltorak, G. Romagnoli, G. Ruggiero  on behalf of the GigaTracKer working groupet al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: February 17, 2024
Published on: June 25, 2024
The GigaTracKer is a hybrid silicon pixel detector designed for the fixed-target experiment NA62 at the CERN SPS aiming to measure the branching ratio of the very rare kaon decay $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+\nu \bar{\nu}$ with 10\% precision.
The detector has to provide measurements of momentum, direction and time of beam particles arriving at a rate of 750 MHz.
The tracking system consists of four stations installed in vacuum ($\sim10^{-6}$ mbar), $60.8 \times 27\ \text{mm}^2$ each, with a total material budget of less than 2X$_0$.
Each station is cooled with a microchannel cooling plate used for the first time in a high energy physics experiment.
The beam particles are tracked in 4 dimensions by means of time-stamping pixels ($300\times300\ \mu \text{m}^{2}$) with the single hit time resolution reaching 115 ps.
This performance has to be maintained despite the beam irradiation amounting to a yearly fluence of $4.5 \times 10^{14}\ 1MeV\ n_{\text{eq}}/200\ \text{days}$.
The detector has been fully operational since 2016.
We describe the GigaTracKer design and performance in the 2016-2022 years of NA62 data taking.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.448.0008
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