A Muon Collider has been proposed as the next-generation collider facility after the HL-LHC program completes. It is believed that colliding muons at $\sqrt{s}=10~\text{TeV}$ can deliver a physics program comparable to FCCee+hh, but at a fraction of the cost. The clean initial state allows for precision measurements of the Higgs boson and other Standard Model properties. At the same time, the high beam energy allows for direct searches for new physics beyond the LHC reach. The main detector challange at a Muon Collider is the Beam Induced Background (BIB) coming from the decay of muons in the colliding bunches. The result is a large cloud of low energy particles striking the detector along with the bunch. The tracking detector will experience a hit density ten times that of the HL-LHC, most coming from the BIB.\\
The R\&D for the tracking detector follows a similar path of the FCChh, with requirements on high density, high power, radiation hard and precision timing. The precision timing information, roughly 30~ps per hit in the vertex, will play a critical role in reducing the BIB-induced hits. However, the low energy of the BIB particles means that the innermost layer will only experience a fluence of $10^{16}$ neq/cm$^2$.\\
The contribution will summarizes the state of the simulation of an experiment at a Muon Collider and the derived requirements on the Tracking Detector.