In recent times, numerous experiments have been proposed to investigate the properties of tau
neutrinos. One noteworthy low-cost initiative in this direction is the North Area Neutrino (NaNu) experiment. Its primary objective is to explore the domain of muon and tau neutrinos within the 10 to 60 GeV energy range. NaNu aims for the first experimental observation of anti-tau neutrinos. Beyond this, NaNu’s scientific scope extends to measuring inclusive and differential cross sections of muon neutrinos, as well as examining the production of charm quarks in muon neutrino scattering events. The statistical data gathered from tau neutrino interactions will allow for tests of lepton flavor universality within the neutrino sector. The experiment could be installed in the North Area of the SPS collider at CERN as integrated part of the future SHADOWS experiment. In this work, we present a comprehensive study on the expected muon background at the prospective NaNu experimental site, with a detailed analysis of muon rate and flux magnitude.