PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 449 - The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2023) - T09 Higgs Physics
Higgs self-coupling measurements at the FCC-hh
B. Stapf*, A. Taliercio, E. Gallo, K. Tackmann and P. Mastrapasqua
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Pre-published on: February 05, 2024
Published on: March 21, 2024
The hadron collider phase of the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) is a proton-proton collider operating at a center-of-mass energy of 100 TeV.
It is one of the most ambitious projects planned for the rest of this century and offers ample opportunities in the hunt for new physics, both through its direct detection reach as well as through indirect evidence from precision measurements.
Extracting a precision measurement of the Higgs self-coupling from the Higgs pair production cross-section will play a key role in our understanding of electroweak symmetry breaking, as the self-coupling gives insight into the nature of the Higgs potential.
With the large data set of in total 30 $\text{ab}^{-1}$ which is envisioned to be collected during the FCC-hh runtime the Higgs self-coupling will be determined down to the percent level.
This paper presents prospect studies for Higgs self-coupling measurements in the $b\bar{b} \gamma\gamma$ and $b\bar{b} \ell\ell + E_{\text{T}}^{\text{miss}}$ final states, with the combined, expected precision on the Higgs self-coupling modifier $\kappa_{\lambda}$ reaching 3.2-5.7% at 68% confidence level, assuming all other Higgs couplings follow their Standard Model expectations and depending on the systematic uncertainties assumed. This high precision is mostly driven by the $b\bar{b} \gamma\gamma$ final state analysis, while the $b\bar{b} \ell\ell + E_{\text{T}}^{\text{miss}}$ final state - newly studied for its FCC-hh prospects in this document - on its own reaches a maximum precision of roughly 20% on $\kappa_{\lambda}$.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.449.0413
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