Research in non-perturbative QED in strong-field backgrounds has gained interest in recent years,
due to advances in high-intensity laser technologies that make extreme fields accessible in the
laboratory. One key signature of strong-field QED is non-linear Compton scattering in collisions
between a relativistic electron beam and a high-intensity laser pulse. In the vicinity of strong fields,
the electron gains a larger effective mass, which leads to a laser-intensity-dependent shift of the
kinematic Compton edge and the appearance of higher-order harmonics in the energy spectrum.
One of the challenges of measuring the Compton energy spectrum in laser-electron-beam collisions
is the enormous flux of outgoing Compton-scattered electrons and photons, ranging from $10^3$ to
$10^9$ particles per collision. We present a combined detector system for high-rate Compton electron
detection in the context of the planned LUXE experiment, consisting of a spatially segmented gas-
filled Cherenkov detector and a scintillator screen imaged by an optical camera system. The
detectors are placed in a forward dipole spectrometer to resolve the electron energy spectrum.
Finally, we discuss techniques to reconstruct the non-linear Compton electron energy spectrum
from the high-rate electron detection system and to extract the features of non-perturbative QED
from the spectrum.