Enhancing High School Science Education: Integrating Physics, Technology Innovation, and Sustainable Development
Pre-published on:
February 04, 2024
Published on:
March 21, 2024
The interest of youth in STEM, particularly physics and engineering studies, is experiencing a decline, despite the pressing need for a new generation of specialists to drive cutting-edge research crucial for innovation, economic progress, and sustainable development. To address this challenge, new approaches are required to inspire more young talents to pursue careers in physics and STEM fields. Contextualizing these disciplines within real-life scenarios, especially those related to sustainable development, proves to be a potent tool for fostering students' interest and appreciation. The pilot project Youth@STEM4SF (Youth at STEM for Sustainable Future), launched in Switzerland in May 2023 with the support of the Swiss Physical Society (SPS), the Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences (SCNAT), and the Swiss national competence center for education about sustainable development, education21, represents an innovative high school program. This initiative presents physics and STEM subjects in the context of real-life situations and sustainable development by integrating applied R&D in physics-based industries and showcasing inspirational role models in these fields during thematic school days. The primary objective is to engage young talents, with a particular focus on encouraging girls to pursue physics and other basic sciences studies. Additionally, the program aims to educate future societal leaders on the value of science in our lives and its contribution to a sustainable future. Measurable impacts, including changes in interest and attitude, have been assessed, and initial results are highly encouraging. The ultimate goal is to achieve a broad impact on a national and international level, facilitated by aligning with new high school educational plans and gaining recognition for the approach from educational authorities.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.449.0645
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