PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 449 - The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2023) - T14 Outreach, Education and EDI
"So Far, So Close": Communicating Science through a Replica of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Payload Operation Control Room
A. Bartoloni*, M. Peroni, L. Strigari and A.N. Guracho
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Pre-published on: February 04, 2024
Published on: March 21, 2024
This paper outlines an outreach exposition named “So far , So close” featuring a replica of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Payload Operation Control Room to elucidate the continuous supervision and regulation of space mission payloads by Earth's various control rooms. The exposition's value is magnified by cutting-edge AMS collaboration software, granting access to AMS telemetry data. This innovation, born during the pandemic, allowed remote engagement in the experiment's daily operations due to physical access limitations to the CERN site, housing the AMS POCC. The replica POCC, complemented by posters and videos, serves as an effective tool for conveying the importance of fundamental research in space radiation and cosmic rays.
The paper further describes the inaugural exposition held in May 2023 in Bologna in collaboration with the Moon Village Association Italian branch and the Marco Peroni studio. The event featured "Far yet so close: Cosmic Ray Measurements in Space with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (ams02.space)" and "Ground Control Operations of Space Missions" exhibitions, shedding light on cosmic ray shielding in lunar exploration. The collaboration activities involved the AMS INFN Roma Sapienza research group and Marco Peroni Ingegneria studio.
Held at the "Living in Space" Permanent Exhibition within the Marco Peroni Ingegneria Studio, the event effectively bridges the knowledge gap, making science comprehensible and visually engaging. It enriches diverse audiences with insights into space exploration and radiation protection, promoting scientific literacy and fostering curiosity and participation among non-scientific audiences.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.449.0648
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