@article{Lospalluto:2024jL, author = "Lospalluto, Giuseppe and Antognini, A. and Belosevic, I. and Bondar, V. and Hildebrandt, M. and Iwai, R. and Kirch, K. and Knecht, A. and Mullan, P. and Nuber, J. and Papa, A. and Peszka, J. and Sakurai, M. and Solovyev, Ivan and Taqqu, D. and Vitali, B. and Yan, T.", title = "{Towards muon cooling at the Paul Scherrer Institute}", doi = "10.22323/1.452.0009", journal = "PoS", year = 2024, volume = "Muon4Future2023", pages = "009" }