Strongly coupled gauge theories towards physics beyond the Standard Model
J.W. Lee
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Pre-published on: November 05, 2024
Published on: November 06, 2024
Strongly coupled gauge theories provide an ultra-violet realization of new physics models for physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics arising from composite dynamics. Depending on the gauge group and matter content, they are expected to exhibit interesting features and rich phenomenology, similar or dissimilar to QCD, of which model builders and phenomenologists can take advantage. Due to the non-perturbative nature of these theories, first principles lattice calculations are essential to test the validity of composite models and provide theoretical inputs, that are otherwise unattainable, to the experimental searches for new physics. In this contribution, we will review recent efforts in the non-perturbative lattice studies of strongly coupled gauge theories other than QCD in the context of physics beyond the standard model by focusing on technical developments and new results.
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