PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 460 - The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects - VI (GOLDEN2023) - Cataclysmic Variables
Dwarf Nova SS Cyg: New Photometric Data
I. Voloshina* and T. Khruzina
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Published on: November 20, 2024
The results of photometric observations of the well-known dwarf nova, the SS Cyg, conducted in 2019-2021 are presented. Observations were made at various moments of the outburst cycle using several CCD devices on two telescopes, 50 and 60-cm (about 47,000 measurements). The search for photometric variability, carried out after taking into account the orbital variability of SS Cyg, made it possible to detect pulsations in the light curves and determine their periods and amplitudes. The analysis of the obtained values of the periods and amplitudes of pulsations allowed us to reveal the dependencies of these values on the brightness of the system at the stage of decline after outburst maximum, - there is a clear increase in the period of pulsations with a decrease in the radiation flux. With a decrease in brightness, their amplitude also increases, i.e., as SS Cyg returns to normal brightness after an outburst. At the end of April 2020 SS Cyg had an X-ray outburst. The results of optical photometry conducted in May 2020 at the end of this outburst and later in 2021 show that the behavior of SS Cyg after the end of the X-ray outburst fits into the framework of the usual behavior of the system at this stage of the outburst cycle.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.460.0027
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