PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 462 - 16th International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons (HQL2023) - Rare Decays
Angular analyses of rare decays at the LHC
 on behalf of the LHCb collaboration, B. Dey* and R. Included
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Pre-published on: July 03, 2024
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Loop-suppressed penguin $b\to s$ transitions are sensitive to heavy New Physics particles propagating inside the loops. Thanks to the large sample sizes from the LHC, we are able to perform multidimensional angular analyses that are sensitive to interferences between the Standard Model and New Physics terms. This article surveys the latest results, primarily from LHCb, on decays mediated by $b\to s\mup\mun$ electroweak and $b\to s\gamma$ radiative penguin transitions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.462.0045
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