PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 462 - 16th International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons (HQL2023) - Posters
Masses of dibaryonic Ξ(βˆ—)𝑐 Ξ(βˆ—)𝑐 states
Z.Β Shah*, D.Β Rathaud and A.K.Β Rai
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Pre-published on: June 21, 2024
Published on: β€”
We investigate the possible pair of charmed spin 1/2 and spin 3/2 baryons within the variational scheme. Incorporating the Yukawa-like and one-boson-exchange, we obtain the binding energy and mass spectrum of $\Xi_c$ dibaryon for different spin states. Our results show the possible molecular state with a quantum number $(I, J^P)$=$(1, 0^+), (0,1^+), (1,0^+), ~$and$~ (0,3^+)$. The obtained results of $\Xi_{c}$-$\Xi_{c}$ and
$\Xi_c^{*}$ -$\Xi_c^{*}$ dibaryons are in accordance with theoretical predictions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.462.0080
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