PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 466 - The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2024) - Hadronic and Nuclear Spectrum and Interactions
Static-light meson spectroscopy with optimal distillation profiles
L. Struckmeier*, R. Höllwieser, F. Knechtli, T. Korzec, M.J. Peardon and J.A. Urrea-Niño
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The spectrum of static-light and static-charm mesons is studied using optimized distillation in two different $N_{\rm{f}} = 3 + 1$ QCD ensembles with pion masses of $m_{\pi} \approx 800 \, \text{MeV}$ and $m_{\pi} \approx 420 \,\text{MeV}$ and a heavy (charm) quark. Local and derivative-based operators are used to access states of multiple quantum numbers. The use of optimal profiles is shown to improve the overlap with the energy states compared to standard distillation.
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