The $\eta_c$-meson leading-twist distribution amplitude
M.T. San José Pérez*, B. Blossier, M. Mangin-Brinet and J.M. Morgado Chávez
Pre-published on:
December 05, 2024
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In this project, we employ the short-distance factorization to compute the distribution amplitude of the $\eta_c$-meson from Lattice QCD at leading twist. We employ a set of CLS $N_f=2$ ensembles at three lattice spacings and various quark masses to extrapolate the pseudo distribution to the physical point in the isospin limit. We solve the inverse problem modeling the distribution amplitude, and we match our results to the light-cone in the $\overline{\text{MS}}$-scheme. We include a complete error budget, and we compare to two alternative approaches: non-relativistic QCD and Dyson-Schwinger equations, finding good agreement with the latter but not with the former.
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