PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 466 - The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2024) - Theoretical Developments
Lattice study of RG fixed point based on gradient flow in $3$D $O(N)$ sigma model
O. Morikawa*, M. Tanaka, M. Kitazawa and H. Suzuki
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Pre-published on: December 05, 2024
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We present the lattice simulation of the renormalization group flow
in the $3$-dimensional $O(N)$ linear sigma model.
This model possesses a nontrivial infrared fixed point, called Wilson--Fisher fixed point.
Arguing that the parameter space of running coupling constants can be spanned by
expectation values of operators evolved by the gradient flow,
we exemplify a scaling behavior analysis based on the gradient flow
in the large $N$ approximation at criticality.
Then, we work out the numerical simulation of the theory with finite $N$.
Depicting the renormalization group flow along the gradient flow,
we confirm the existence of the Wilson--Fisher fixed point non-perturbatively.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.466.0349
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