The imaginary-$\theta$ dependence of the SU($N$) spectrum
D. Vadacchino*, C. Bonanno, C. Bonati and M. Papace
Pre-published on:
December 05, 2024
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In this talk we will report on a study of the $\theta$-dependence of the string tension and of the mass gap of four-dimensional SU($N$) Yang--Mills theories. The spectrum at $N=3$ and $N=6$ was obtained on the lattice at various imaginary values of the $\theta$-parameter, using Parallel Tempering on Boundary Conditions to avoid topological freezing at fine lattice spacings. The coefficient of the $\mathcal{O}(\theta^2)$ term in the Taylor expansion of the spectrum around $\theta=0$ could be obtained in the continuum limit for $N=3$, and on two fairly fine lattices for $N=6$.
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