PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 467 - Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory (LL2024) - Parallel 7
Status of two-loop automation in OpenLoops
M. Zoller* and N. Schär
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Published on: September 17, 2024
The calculation of hard scattering amplitudes up to NLO is automated in numerical tools, such as OpenLoops. The LHC and future experiments, however, demand high-precision predictions at NNLO and beyond for a wide range of particle processes. Hence, the development of a fully automated tool for numerical NNLO calculations is an important goal.

In order to perform a numerical calculation, we decompose D-dimensional two-loop amplitudes into Feynman integrals with four-dimensional numerators and (D-4)-dimensional remainders, which contribute to the finite result through the interaction with the poles of Feynman integrals and are reconstructed during the subtraction procedure for these poles from universal rational terms. The integrals with four-dimensional numerators are further decomposed into loop momentum tensor integrals and tensor coefficients.

We present the status of OpenLoops with respect to these building blocks. The algorithm for the construction of the tensor coefficients is implemented for QED and QCD corrections to the SM in a fully automated way. Recently, the renormalisation procedure and the reconstruction of the interplay of (D-4)-dimensional numerator parts with UV poles through two-loop rational counterterms has been implemented and validated using an in-house library for the reduction of simple tensor integrals.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.467.0073
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