PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 474 - 2nd Training School and General Meeting of the COST Action COSMIC WISPers (CA21106) (COSMICWISPers2024) - Wg1
Natural Metric-Affine Inflation
A. Racioppi* and A. Salvio
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Pre-published on: January 17, 2025
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We study natural inflation in the low energy (two-derivative) metric-affine theory containing only the minimal degrees of freedom in the inflationary sector, i.e. the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson (PNGB) and the massless graviton. This theory contains the Ricci-like and parity-odd Holst invariants together with non-minimal couplings between the PNGB and the aforementioned invariants. We find regions of the parameter space where the inflationary predictions agree with the most recent constraints at the $2\sigma$ level.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.474.0007
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