Loop Blow-Up Inflation: a novel way to inflate with the Kaehler moduli
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January 09, 2025
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The topic of this talk is a new inflationary model in the context of Type IIB string compactifications called Loop Blow-Up Inflation, presented in [2403.04831]. The original Blow-Up Inflation model, whose potential was purely non-perturbative, suffered the $\eta$-problem, being sensitive to string-loop corrections. If these corrections are introduced in the inflationary potential, they become dominant over the non-perturbative contributions as soon as the inflaton is displaced from its minimum. Therefore, the inflationary potential takes a new inverse-power law behavior. We show that slow-roll inflation is not ultimately spoiled and focus on the post-inflationary history in different scenarios of microscopic Standard Model (SM) realization. Each of them gives precise predictions for the spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio in agreement with CMB data. The model also predicts an amount of dark radiation potentially observable by next-generation CMB experiments.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.474.0008
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