PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 477 - 7th International Workshop on “Transverse phenomena in hard processes and the transverse structure of the proton (Transversity2024) - Main session
Transversity: theory/phenomenology overview
M. Radici
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Published on: December 04, 2024
In this review, I will discuss the main properties of transversity, the only chiral-odd collinear parton distribution function at leading twist. I will list the possible channels that can be explored to extract transversity from experimental data. I will describe our current knowledge of transversity with particular emphasys on its first Mellin moment, the tensor charge, and the puzzling comparison between phenomenological results and lattice computations. I will conclude by reminding the new useful data that still need to be included in phenomenological analyses, and by exploring the impact of future experimental setups.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.477.0001
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