PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 480 - International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics and Conference on Low Energy Antiprotons (EXA-LEAP2024) - Main session
A new concept of Mu-atniMu conversion search
N. Kawamura
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A new concept of experimental study for $\rm Mu-\overline{Mu}$ conversion search is proposed, which is strongly suppressed in the standard model of particle physics.
The intrinsic beam-related background limits the current upper limit of the conversion rate obtained by previous studies, and thus, there are few possibilities for further improvement.
In the proposed method, an $\rm \overline{Mu}$, which can be formed in the huge number of Mu generated by a pulsed muon, is ionized by a laser shot synchronized with the muon pulse, and the dissolved $\mu^-$ is analyzed by a spectrometer with isolating from the background due to $\mu^+$s and their related.
This enables more direct observation than the previous studies.
This article introduces a new concept of $\rm Mu-\overline{Mu}$ conversion search and the result of a feasibility study performed in the muon facility (MUSE) Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF) J-PARC.
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