PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 480 - International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics and Conference on Low Energy Antiprotons (EXA-LEAP2024) - Main session
Background Rejection for the ALPHA-g Anti-Hydrogen Detectors
G. Smith
Full text: Not available
The ALPHA-g experiment recently made the news for the first direct measurement of the gravitational free-fall of anti-hydrogen. Crucial to this milestone is a detector system capable of accurately recording the vertical position of annihilating anti-atoms, with two critical requirements: precise localization of anti-hydrogen annihilations into the “up” or “down” regions, and effective discrimination against the cosmic ray background. To accomplish this, the annihilation products are tracked using a radial time projection chamber detector, and fitted to a common vertex. Simultaneously, a secondary barrel scintillator detector records the time of flight of these products. This timing information is used as part of a multivariate analysis to reject externally incident cosmic rays. This presentation showcases the cosmic ray background rejection used in the published measurement, as well as the calibration and analysis campaign to unlock time-of- flight-based background rejection for forthcoming ALPHA-g measurements of the gravitational behaviour of anti-hydrogen.
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