PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 480 - International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics and Conference on Low Energy Antiprotons (EXA-LEAP2024) - Main session
Towards g-factor measurements of (anti-)protons using techniques based on quantum logic spectroscopy
N. Poljakov*, J. Schaper, J.A. Coenders, J.M. Cornejo, S. Ulmer and C. Ospelkaus
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We present the latest upgrades of our cryogenic multi-Penning-trap stack to implement quantum logic cooling and detection techniques for $g$-factor measurements of (anti-)protons within the BASE collaboration. This updated trap system has been designed to cool single protons to their motional ground state, a key feature for the implementation of quantum logic spectroscopy on (anti-)protons in Penning traps. For this purpose, a double-well potential will be generated in our trap system in order to implement free Coulomb coupling between a single proton and a $^9$Be$^+$ ion, allowing sympathetic cooling of single protons, as well as a spin-motion SWAP gate for spin state detection. The application of these techniques to antiprotons later will allow to increase the sampling rates of current (anti-)proton $g$-factor measurements, and thus contribute to the search for CPT violating coefficients acting on baryons in the Standard Model extension.
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