PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 274 - XIII International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons (HQL 2016) - New Experiments/Facilities
SuperKEKB and Belle II
C. Li
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Published on: January 24, 2017
SuperKEKB is an asymmetric electron-positron collider upgrade based on KEKB with a design luminosity of 8×1035 cm−2s−1. The commissioning of SuperKEKB started in February of 2016 and 50 ab−1 of data is expected to be collected by 2024 at SuperKEKB. Belle II is the detector operating at SuperKEKB and, in order to cope with high luminosity and beam background, a series of upgrades including detectors and electronics were required. The vertex resolution and particle identification at Belle II will be improved significantly compared to those at Belle. There is an aboundant list of physics goals for Belle II including, but not limited to, measuring the parameters of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix with higher precision, searching for new CP Violation (CPV) sources, Leptonic Flavor Violation (LFV), and dark sectors. Belle II will begin taking data without the vertex detectors in 2017 and with all detectors employed in 2018.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.274.0067
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