International Conference on High Energy Physics

Information exchange, communication and networking have always been vital for science. It was in 1950 in Rochester, U.S.A., when the first conference of this series took place. Throughout its 70-year history, it has become undoubtedly the most prominent gathering of particle physicists in the world, with more than a thousand participants from different countries around the globe. Even in the present boom of electronic communication, scientific face-to-face meetings keep their irreplaceable role, and it is namely this conference where key results and breakthroughs have always been announced, including the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. The conference program covers recent results and hot particle and astroparticle physics topics. Sessions and talks on supporting technologies and industrial connections are scheduled in addition to physics results. In recent years, the topics have also included discussions of diversity, inclusion, outreach and the sociology of large scientific collaborations. The program consists of parallel and plenary sessions and two poster sessions. The organising Czech academic institutions, the International Advisory Committee and a conference agency C-IN will do their best to prepare an attractive scientific programme complemented by relaxing social events. They showed their ability to do it already in 2020 when ICHEP 2020 had to be moved online due to strict measures against the COVID-19 pandemic.

ICHEP is a series of international conferences organized by the C11 commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). It has been held every two years for more than 50 years, and is the reference conference of particle physics where most relevant results are presented. At ICHEP, physicists from around the world gather to share the latest advancements in particle physics, astrophysics/cosmology, and accelerator science and discuss plans for major future facilities. ICHEP 2022 will be the first time of a ICHEP conference to be held in Italy and will mark a return to the in-presence meeting of the HEP community after the pandemic emergency, even if remote participation will also be granted to favour in particular people from countries still affected by mobility restrictions. The Conference falls just ten years after the Higgs boson discovery and will offer the occasion to celebrate this important anniversary as well as to make the point on the progresses achieved in this sector that opened a new window for precision Standard Model studies and Beyond Standard Model investigations.

Our Czech particle physics community was very proud to be selected to organize the 40th ICHEP conference in Prague. Actually, it is a nice coincidence of two ICHEP jubilees as it is also exactly 70 years from the first ICHEP meeting in Rochester, New York in 1950. Prague is a city of stunning beauty and magnificent architecture. Hand in hand with culture, the tradition of science dates back to the 14th century when Charles IV established here one of the oldest universities in Europe. The list of famous scientists who have worked in Prague includes T. Brahe, J. Kepler, Ch. Doppler, B. Bolzano, E. Mach and A. Einstein. Z. Dolezal and R. Leitner, chairs of this conference, wanted to do their best to welcome all participants in a stimulating and pleasant environment. However, for the first time in its history we had to cancel this live event and did it only as a virtual conference. We had more than 3000 participants and around 1000 talks. We hope we again succeeded in bringing together experimentalists and theorists working in particle physics literally all around the world. Hopefully, it will be possible to welcome all participants in person again in Prague in 2024.
Martin Spousta (Charles University)

The ICHEP is the vital platform for exchanging recent achievements and discussing future facilities in particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. The first conference was held at Rochester in 1950. Since then, the ICHEP has served as the core arena for leading experimentalists and theorists of the world to share exciting results and new ideas.
A wide-ranging scientific program consisting of plenary lectures, parallel sessions, and satellite meetings as well as poster sessions for young scientists covering all topics in high energy physics will be scheduled. At ICHEP2018 in Seoul, many important results came from the LHC Run II experiments, neutrino physics, dark matter, gravitational wave, and cosmology.

The Australian particle physics community was honoured to host the 36th ICHEP conference in 2012 in Melbourne.
This conference has long been the reference event for our international community.
The announcement of the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC was a major highlight, with huge international press coverage.
ICHEP2012 was described by CERN Director-General, Professor Rolf Heuer, as a landmark conference for our field.
In additional to the Higgs announcement, important results from neutrino physics, from flavour physics, and from physics beyond the standard model also provided great interest.
There were also updates on key accelerator developments such as the new B-factories, plans for the LHC upgrade, neutrino facilities and associated detector developments.
ICHEP2012 exceeded the promise expected of the key conference for our field, and really did provide a reference point for the future.
Many thanks to the contribution reviewers: Andy Bakich, Csaba Balazs, Nicole Bell, Catherine Buchanan, Will Crump, Cameron Cuthbert, Ben Farmer, Sudhir Gupta, Elliot Hutchison, Paul Jackson, Geng-Yuan Jeng, Archil Kobakhidze, Doyoun Kim, Tong Li, Antonio Limosani (Head Editor), Kristian McDonald, Nikhul Patel, Aldo Saavedra, Mark Scarcella, Geoff Taylor, Ian Watson, Graham White, Tony Williams and Bruce Yabsley.