PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 349 - XIV Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics (Modave 2018) - Main session
Dualities in 2+1 Dimensions
T. Carl
Full text: pdf
Published on: July 09, 2019
In this course, we will discuss dualities in 2+1 dimensions. We begin by briefly reviewing the physics of 1+1d T-duality and bosonization, and discuss flux attachment and the dual photon in 2+1d. Then, we introduce 2+1d particle-vortex duality, bosonization and their associated web of dualities. This includes discussing more elaborate Abelian dualities, including self-dual theories and quiver theories. Next, we move on to non-Abelian physics, discussing QCD in three dimensions and more. This done, we will discuss the relation of these dualities to SUSY dualities, lattice physics, and large $N$ physics; and finally, we present the application of one of the Abelian dualities to quantum Hall physics.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.349.0001
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