Tracking in 4 dimensions
N. Cartiglia*, F. Cenna, M. Ferrero, V. Monaco, M.M. Obertino, R. Sacchi, G.F. Dalla Betta, L. Pancheri, M. Boscardin, G. Paternoster, G. Dellacasa, S. Garbolino, A. Rivetti, M. Rolo, V. Sola, A. Staiano, R. Arcidiacono and B. Baldassarri
Published on:
July 31, 2017
In this contribution I will review the progresses toward the construction of a tracking system able to measure the passage of charge particles with a combined precision of∼ 10 ps and ∼10 μm either using a single type of sensor, able to concurrently measure position and time, or a combination of position and time sensors
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