PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 274 - XIII International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons (HQL 2016) - Lepton Universality
Initial results from the PIENU experiment
T. Sullivan*, T. Sullivan, A. Aguilar-Arevalo, M. Aoki, M. Blecher, D.I. Britton, D.A. Bryman, D.v. Bruch, S. Chen, J. Comfort, S. Cuen-Rochin, L. Doria, P. Gumplinger, A. Hussein, Y. Igarashi, S. Ito, S.H. Kettell, L. Kurchaninov, L.S. Littenberg, C. Malbrunot, R.E. Mischke, T. Numao, D. Protopopescu, A. Sher and D. Vavilov
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Published on: January 24, 2017
The pion branching ratio, $R_\pi = \frac{ \Gamma(\pi^+ \rightarrow e^+ \nu_e + \pi^+\rightarrow e^+ \nu_e \gamma)}{\Gamma(\pi^+ \rightarrow \mu^+ \nu_{\mu} + \pi^+ \rightarrow \mu^+ \nu_{\mu} \gamma)}$, provides a sensitive test of lepton universality and constraints on many new physics scenarios. The theoretical uncertainty on the Standard Model prediction of $R_{\pi}$ is 0.02%, a factor of twenty smaller than the experimental uncertainty. The analysis of a subset of data taken by the PIENU experiment will be presented. The result, $R_{\pi}$ = (1.2344±0.0023(stat)±0.0019(syst)) · 10$^{−4}$, is consistent with the Standard Model prediction and represents a 0.1% constraint on lepton non-universality.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.274.0043
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