The ATLAS trigger system aims at reducing the 40 MHz protons collision event rate to a manageable event storage rate of 1 kHz, preserving events with
valuable physics meaning. The Level-1 trigger is the first rate-reducing step in the ATLAS trigger system, with an output rate of 100 kHz and decision latency of
less than 2.5 micro seconds. It is composed of the calorimeter trigger, muon trigger and central trigger processor. During the last upgrade, a new
electronics element was introduced to Level-1: L1Topo, the Topological Processor System.
It will make it possible to use detailed realtime information from the Level-1 calorimeter and muon triggers, processed in individual state of the art FPGA
processors to determine angles between jets and/or leptons and calculate kinematic variables based on lists of selected/sorted objects.
Over hundred VHDL algorithms are producing trigger outputs to be incorporated into the central trigger processor.
Such information will be essential to improve background rejection and increase the significance of a large spectrum of the ATLAS physics measurements.
An overview of the firmware implementation, algorithms performance and their impact over physics results will be illustrated.