PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 282 - 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2016) - Poster Session
Capacitively coupled pickup in MCP-based photodetectors using a conductive metallic anode
E. Angelico*, T. Seiss, B. Adams, A. Elagin, H.J. Frisch and E. Spieglan
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Pre-published on: February 06, 2017
Published on: April 19, 2017
We have designed and tested a robust 20 x 20 cm^2 thin metal film internal anode capacitively coupled to an external array of signal pads or micro-strips for use in fast microchannel plate photodetectors. The internal anode, in this case a 10nm-thick NiCr film deposited on a 96% pure Al_2O_3 3mm-thick ceramic plate and connected to HV ground, provides the return path for the electron cascade charge. The multi-channel pickup array consists of a printed-circuit card or glass plate with metal signal pickups on one side and the signal ground plane on the other. The pickup can be put in close proximity to the bottom outer surface of the sealed photodetector, with no electrical connections through the photodetector hermetic vacuum package other than a single ground connection to the internal anode. Two pickup patterns were tested using a small commercial MCP-PMT as the signal source: 1) parallel 50 Ohm 25-cm-long micro-strips with an analog bandwidth of 1.5 GHz, and 2) a 20 x 20 cm^2 array of 2-dimensional square `pads' with sides of 1.27 cm or 2.54 cm. The rise-time of the fast input pulse is maintained for both pickup patterns. For the pad pattern, we observe 80% of the directly coupled amplitude.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.282.1099
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