We present updated results of $\varepsilon_K$ evaluated directly from the
standard model with lattice QCD inputs.
Here, we use the lattice QCD inputs for $\hat{B}_K$, $|V_{cb}|$,
$\xi_0$, $\xi_2$, $|V_{us}|$, and $m_c(m_c)$.
Recently, FLAG has updated $\hat{B}_K$.
RBC-UKQCD has also updated $\xi_0$ and $\xi_2$.
Exclusive $|V_{cb}|$ has been updated with new lattice data in the
$\bar{B}\to D\ell\bar{\nu}$ decay mode, too.
We find that the theoretical value of $\varepsilon_K$ with exclusive
$|V_{cb}|$ (lattice QCD inputs) evaluated directly from the standard
model is $3.2\sigma$ lower than the experimental value, while that
with inclusive $|V_{cb}|$ (heavy quark expansion) has no tension.