AGNJET v2.0: Towards self-consistent MHD+RT jet models for XRBs and AGN
C. Ceccobello*, S. Markoff and R. Connors
Pre-published on:
June 12, 2017
Published on:
August 23, 2017
Collimated outflows are a common feature observed in many astrophysical systems including x-ray binaries (XRBs), active galactic nuclei (AGN), young stellar objects (YSOs) and gamma ray bursts (GRBs). Emission from such jets extends over the whole electromagnetic spectrum and is a proxy of the nature and activity of the central engine. To constrain the physics of jets both magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) and radiative transfer (RT) calculations are needed. However, numerical simulations cannot handle full MHD+RT calculations on a useful timescale for fitting procedures. Hence, to fit and interpret observational data, semi-analytical models are required, such as the improved AGNJET code that we will discuss here.The AGNJET code (Markoffet al. 2005) evaluates the emission from a multi-zone jet consisting of a nozzle followed by a quasi-isothermal conical expanding region. During the expansion a portion of the electrons can be re-accelerated, through a process that commences at a distance from the black hole (BH) determined by observational constraints. In this updated version of AGNJET (Ceccobello et al. 2017b, Connors et al. 2016, hereafter CC17b and CR17, respectively), the inverse Compton component is evaluated allowing for multiple inverse Compton scatterings and pair production/annihilation. Together with other upgrades like electron cooling, such new features can help break the degeneracy between synchrotron-dominated and Compton-dominated spectral energy distributions of black hole disk/jet systems. I will also discuss the coupling of AGNJET with the semi-analytic, relativistic MHD model developed by Polko et al. (2010), Polko et al. (2013), Polko et al. (2014) and Ceccobello et al. (2017a), hereafter CC17a, aimed at constraining a subset of the input parameters based on self-consistent MHD calculations for the jet nozzle.This new version of AGNJET calculates the jet velocity profile and geometry self-consistently with ideal-MHD and includes a more accurate treatment of jet morphologies and dynamics, and the relevant physical processes.
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