Silicon Vertex Tracker for CLAS12 experiment
Y. Gotra* and On behalf of the CLAS Collaboration
Pre-published on:
April 03, 2017
Published on:
August 03, 2017
The Silicon Vertex Tracker is a central tracker built for the CLAS12 experiment aiming at measuring the momentum and reconstructing the vertices of charged particles emerging from the target. The system is designed to operate at a luminosity of 10$^{35} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ and to have a momentum resolution of 5\% for 1 GeV tracks. The tracker is centered inside 5T solenoid magnet and has 33792 channels of Hamamatsu silicon microstrip sensors. To lower the amount of materialal in the tracking volume modules are assembled on the barrel using unique cantilevered geometry. The sensors have graded angle design to minimize dead areas and a readout pitch of 156 $\mu$m. Double sided module hosts three daisy-chained sensors on each side with total strip length of 33~cm. There are 512 channels per module read out by four Fermilab Silicon Strip Readout (FSSR2) chips featuring data driven architecture, mounted on a rigid-flex hybrid. We describe the detector and present performance results from tracker commissioning with cosmic muons.
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