The ATLAS tracker strip detector for HL-LHC
K.J.R. Cormier* on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Pre-published on:
February 09, 2017
Published on:
August 03, 2017
As part of the ATLAS upgrades for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) the current ATLAS Inner Detector (ID) will be replaced by a new Inner Tracker (ITk). The ITk will consist of two main components: a semi-conductor pixel detector at the innermost radii, and a silicon strip detector covering larger radii out as far as the ATLAS solenoid magnet including the volume currently occupied by the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT). The primary challenges faced by the ITk are the higher planned read out rate of ATLAS, the higher density of charged particles in HL-LHC conditions, and the corresponding high radiation doses that the detector and electronics will receive. The ATLAS collaboration is currently working on designing and testing all aspects of the sensors, readout, mechanics, cooling and integration to meet these goals and a technical design report (TDR) is being prepared. This report is an overview of the ITk strip detector, highlighting the current status and the road ahead.
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