Accretion-Outflow Activity in Herbig Ae/Be Stars
L. Tambovtseva* and V. Grinin
Pre-published on:
March 13, 2018
Published on:
May 16, 2018
Young intermediate mass stars, so-called Herbig Ae/Be stars, demonstrate both accretion and outflow features in their emission spectra. Using non-LTE modeling of the hydrogen lines in the visible and near-infrared spectral regions we investigated a close vicinity of these stars and revealed themost important regions contributing to the line emission. The regions of the disk wind play the most important role in the radiation of the hydrogen lines. The regions with accreting matter contribute less to this radiation but can influence the shape of the line profiles. We conclude that a role of accreting processes may be different for the different stars. A radiation from the hot layers of accretion disks is small for the lines in the visible and negligible for the lines in the infrared spectral regions compared to other components surrounding Herbig Ae/Be stars
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