Holographic Wilson loops in spacetimes with spatial anisotropy
D. Ageev, I.Y. Aref'eva and A. Golubtsova*
Pre-published on:
October 04, 2017
Published on:
October 05, 2017
In this note we study Wilson loops in an anisotropic black brane background within the holographic framework. The anisotropy is controlled by the so called critical exponent. We calculate time-, space- and light-like static Wilson loops for different orientations of rectangular contours. The first two cases allow us to estimate behaviours of potential and pseudopotential of interquark interaction. We observe that the potential has a similar behaviour comparing to the potential for the isotropic (AdS) case, while the pseudopotential for a certain configuration of the contour has screened Coulomb and linear parts. For the light-like case we derive an analytic expression for the Nambo-Goto action for arbitrary values of the critical exponent.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.292.0086
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