Price Association Analysis of Agricultural Products based on Apriori Algorithm
L. Qiao*, C. Peng, X. Guo and Y. Wang
Pre-published on:
February 26, 2018
Published on:
March 08, 2018
In this era of big data, it is difficult to extract the information law of agricultural products prices from the vast amount of agricultural products. In this paper, we select 6 kinds of agricultural products prices in 2014, and use the association rule algorithm to analyze the correlation between them, and then get the strong association rules among the prices of agricultural products. Empirical results show that the price of corn in 2014 had a strong correlation with the price of soybean. The price trend of these two is basically the same. In the study of corn or soybean prices, we can refer to either price chart. The experimental results demonstrate the correctness of the algorithm. The application of the algorithm in the analysis of the price of agricultural products can play a positive role in guiding the analysis and prediction of the price of agricultural products.
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