Transverse charge and magnetization densities: Improved chiral predictions down to b = 1 fms
A.B. Blin*, J.M. Alarcón Soriano, M.J. Vicente Vacas and C. Weiss
Published on:
March 23, 2018
The transverse charge and magnetization densities provide insight into the nucleon’s inner structure. In the periphery, the isovector components are clearly dominant, and can be computed in a model-independent way by means of a combination of chiral effective field theory and dispersion analysis. With a novel N/D method, we incorporate the pion electromagnetic form- factor data into the chiral EFT calculation, thus taking into account the pion-rescattering effects and rho-meson pole. As a consequence, we are able to reliably compute the densities down to distances b ∼ 1 fm, therefore achieving a dramatic improvement of the results compared to traditional chiral EFT calculations, while remaining predictive and having controlled uncertainties.
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