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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 310 - XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (Hadron2017) - Session 1: Spectroscopy of mesons
The study of B weak decay and the scalar DˉD bound state
L. Dai*, E. Oset Baguena and J.J. Xie
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Pre-published on: February 16, 2018
Published on: March 20, 2018
First we study the B0 decay to D0ˉD0K0 and make predictions for the D0ˉD0 invariant mass distribution within the chiral unitary approach in which the X(3720) resonance are dynamically generated. From the shape of the distribution, the existence of the resonance below threshold could be induced. We also predict the rate of production of the X(3720) resonance to the D0ˉD0 mass distribution with no free parameters. Then we study the B+ decay to D0ˉD0K+ and compare with experimental data. From our results, we find a good agreement with the data within the present errors. It is noticeable to find that the B0 decay to D0ˉD0K0 is better suited to study the X(3720) resonance since there is no tree level D0ˉD0 production and this forces D+D decay to D0ˉD0 transition to intervene and make D0ˉD0 at the end. Future experiment would be very helpful in the search of this elusive state, and as a further test of the nature of the X(3720) resonance.
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