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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 310 - XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (Hadron2017) - Session 1: Spectroscopy of mesons
Recent Results on Light-Meson Spectroscopy from COMPASS
S. Wallner*  on behalf of the COMPASS Collaboration
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Pre-published on: February 16, 2018
Published on: March 20, 2018
The main goal of the spectroscopy program at COMPASS is to explore the light-meson spectrum below about 2GeV/c2 in diffractive production. Our flagship channel is the decay into three charged pions: p+ππππ++precoil, for which COMPASS has acquired the so far world's largest dataset of roughly 50M exclusive events using an 190GeV/c π beam.
Based on this dataset, we performed an extensive partial-wave analysis. In order to extract the resonance parameters of the πJ and aJ states that appear in the πππ+ system, we performed the so far largest resonance-model fit, using Breit-Wigner resonances and non-resonant contributions.

This method in combination with the high statistical precision of our measurement allows us to study ground and excited states.
We have found an evidence of the a1(1640) and a2(1700) in our data, which are the first excitations of the a1(1260) and a2(1320), respectively. The relative strength of the excited states with respect to the corresponding ground state is larger in the f2(1270)π decay mode compared to the ρ(770)π decay mode.
We also study the spectrum of π2 states in our data. Therefore, we simultaneously describe four JPC=2+ waves in the resonance-model fit by using three π2 resonances, the π2(1670), the π2(1880), and the π2(2005). Within the limits of our model, we can conclude that the π2(2005) is required to describe all four 2+ waves properly.
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