Effects of $Z_b$ states in $\Upsilon(3S, 4S)$ dipion transitions
Y.H. Chen, M. Cleven, J.T. Daub, F.K. Guo*, C. Hanhart, B. Kubis, U.G. Meissner and B.S. Zou
Pre-published on:
February 16, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
We analyze the effects of the $Z_b$ states in the dipion transitions from the $\varUpsilon(3S,4S)$ to the lower $\varUpsilon$ states. It is found that the $Z_b$'s, together with the properly treated $\pi\pi$ final-state interaction, are essential to reproduce the double-bump structure in the dipion invariant mass distribution of the $\varUpsilon(3S)\to\varUpsilon(1S)\pi\pi$ transitions. We also point out that a reliable extraction of the $Z_b\varUpsilon(nS)\pi$ coupling constants is crucial to finally settle the $Z_b$ contributions to these transitions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.310.0117
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