Mesonic string of diquark-quark configuration at finite temperature
A. Bakry*, X. Chen, M. Deliyergiyev, A. Galal, S. Xu and P.M. Zhang
Pre-published on:
February 19, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
We investigate the distance and temperatures scale for which the string in baryonic quark configuration approaches the limiting behavior of mesonic strings in pure Yang-Mills SU(3) lattice gauge theory. We calculate and compare the numerical values of the Polyakov loop correlators and the width profile of both diquark-quark $(QQ)Q$ and mesonic $Q\bar{Q}$ strings. We find the diquark-quark configuration to exhibit an identical behavior to the mesonic string for the potential and energy-density width profile for temperature near the end of QCD plateau. In the vicinity of the deconfinement point; however, the symmetry in the energy-width profile with the meson does not manifest at both short and intermediate distance scales. Moreover, we observe significantly different numerical values for Polyakov loop correlators corresponding to each system. The splitting of the two identical system suggest that, in the high temperature region of the confined phase of QCD, the subsisted baryonic decouplet states overlap with the excited mesonic spectrum yielding the diquark-quark symmetry with the meson inexact in a small enough neighborhood of the critical point $T_{c}$.
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