The Development of Front-End Readout Electronics for ProtoDUNE-SP LAr TPC
S. Gao*, H.G. Berns, H. Chen, A. D'Andragora, J. Fried, D. Gastler, E. Hazen, W. Hou, S. Li, F. Liu, V. Radeka, E. Vernon, E. Worcester, M. Worcester, K. Yethiraj, B. Yu and J. Zhang
Pre-published on:
March 05, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
As a prototype of Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment far detector, ProtoDUNE single-phase liquid argon Time Projection Chamber will sit in H4 beam line at CERN to study detector response to particles. It consists of 6 full-size Anode Plane Assemblies (APAs) plus 2 Cathode Plane Assemblies (CPAs) to form two 3.6m drift regions with total 15,360 readout channels. To achieve optimal noise performance, readout electronics developed for extremely low temperatures (77K-89K) operation has been studied with an integral design concept of APA, cold electronics, feed-through, plus warm interface electronics with local diagnostic following strict isolation and grounding rules. By the end of September 2017, the first full-size APA has been integrated with readout electronics successfully for the coming cold integration test at CERN.
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