New slow-control FPGA IP for GBT based system and status update of the GBT-FPGA project
J.M. Mendez*, S. Baron, A. Caratelli and P.V. Leitao
Pre-published on:
March 05, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
The GBT-FPGA, part of the GBT (GigaBit Transceiver) project framework, is a VHDL-based core designed to offer a back-end counterpart to the GBTx ASIC, a radiation tolerant 4.8 Gb/s optical transceiver. The GBT-SCA (Slow Control Adapter) radiation tolerant ASIC is also part of the GBT chipset and is used for the slow control in the High Energy Physics experiments. In this context, a new VHDL core named GBT-SC has been designed and released to handle the slow control fields hosted in the serial GBT frame for the GBTx and GBT-SCA. This paper presents the architecture and performance of this new GBT-SC module as well as an outline of recent GBTFPGA core releases and future plans.
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