Fibre Optics Cabling Design for LHC Detectors Upgrade Using Variable Radiation Induced Attenuation Model
M.A. Shoaie, J. Blanc*, S. Machado and D. Ricci
Pre-published on:
March 05, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
Foreseen upgrades over the next decades enable LHC to operate at a higher luminosity (HL-LHC). Accordingly, the optical links designed to transmit particle collision data need to be hardened against increased radiation level, allowing for a reliable communication. In this paper we study the fibre cabling design of a link between the transceiver optical front-end and the data control room. The radiation penalty calculation takes temperature drop down to ‒30°C into account. The proposed solution concatenates radiation-resistance and conventional fibres using multi-fibre interconnections. The end-to-end link loss during HL-LHC lifetime is estimated strictly less than 3.5 dB complying with predefined margin.
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