PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 315 - The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects IV (GOLDEN 2017) - Cataclysmic Variables
Photometric study of cataclysmic variable ASAS–SN–13cx in active and quite states
I. Voloshina*, T. Khruzina, S. Qian, Z. Liying, S. Kafka and V. Metlov
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Pre-published on: April 10, 2018
Published on: September 13, 2018
The results of photometric observations of cataclysmic variable ASAS–SN–13cx are presented.
CCD observations were taken in August-September 2014 (outburst) and in October-November 2016 (quiescence) using the 50-cm and 60-cm telescopes, more than 1800 images in V and Rc filters. Detailed light curves for the system active and quiescent states are plotted. A “spiral” model is applied to solve for the parameters of ASAS–SN–13cx during the outburst which takes into account the geometric disturbances on the accretion disk surface. We searched for the parameters in quiescence with a “composite” CVs model taking into account an accretion disk with hot spot on the lateral surface geometrically thick outer edge of the disk. The basic parameters of ASAS–SN–13cx are found for the first time including q = M1/M2 = 7.0±0.2, i = 79.9÷80.1°, a0 = 0.821(1)R, radiuses R1 = 0.0102(4)R, R2 = 0.194(3)R and temperatures of the components T1 = 12500±280 K, T2 = 2550±400 K. These parameters correspond to M4–9 V spectrum of the secondary. The mass of the accretion disk approximately doubles during quiescence on a time scale of about 400 orbital periods. The classification of ASAS-SN-13cx as a SU UMa dwarf nova is confirmed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.315.0011
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