Compton Scattering and Hadron Polarizabilities
P. Martel* on behalf of the A2 collaboration
Published on:
February 28, 2020
The proton, at one time, was thought to be a fundamental particle. It's of course now recognized that it and its fellow hadrons are composed of quarks. This composition gives rise to parameters, called polarizabilities, that describe how this structure responds to external electric and magnetic fields. To study these polarizabilities, a Compton scattering program has been ongoing in the A2 experimental hall at the Mainz Microtron. There, a tagged Bremsstrahlung beam of either linearly or circularly polarized photons is scattered off of either unpolarized protons in a liquid hydrogen target, or polarized protons with spins transverse or longitudinal to the beam direction. Different combinations allow for the measurement of different polarization observables, using the nearly 4$\pi$ steradian coverage provided by the combination of the Crystal Ball and TAPS detectors. Combined fits of these parameters then permit an extraction of these polarizabilities, some of which had not previously been experimentally determined. These proceedings will discuss the status and outlook of the A2 Compton program.
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