Pseudoscalar flavor singlet mesons from lattice QCD
Published on:
February 28, 2020
We investigate the masses and mixing of $\eta$, $\eta'$ mesons in the framework of twisted mass lattice QCD with $N_f=2+1+1$ dynamical quark flavors. For the first time we perform a controlled chiral and continuum extrapolation to obtain physical results. To this end, we have analyzed 17 gauge ensembles with pion masses ranging from $220\,\mathrm{MeV}$ to $500\,\mathrm{MeV}$ and at three values of the lattice spacing. This calculation became feasible through the application of a powerful variance reduction technique for the computation of quark-disconnected diagrams together with several improvements in the final analysis, including a correction of the relevant correlation functions for residual topological finite volume effects. We obtain physical results for the masses $M_{\eta}=557(11)_\mathrm{stat}(03)_{\chi\mathrm{PT}}\,\mathrm{MeV}$ and $M_{\eta'}=911(64)_\mathrm{stat}(03)_{\chi\mathrm{PT}}\,\mathrm{MeV}$, as well as the mixing angle in the quark flavor basis $\phi=38.8(2.2)_\mathrm{stat}(2.4)_{\chi\mathrm{PT}}^\circ$, in excellent agreement with other results from phenomenology. Similarly, for the physical values of the decay constant parameters we find $f_l=125(5)_\mathrm{stat}(6)_{\chi\mathrm{PT}}\,\mathrm{MeV}$ and $f_s=178(4)_\mathrm{stat}(1)_{\chi\mathrm{PT}}\,\mathrm{MeV}$. Finally, we present a test of the Veneziano Witten formula using our lattice data.
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